Ok, so I still haven't changed the look of the blog, but I have an idea. I think I am going to purchase a custom blog. I have been shamelessly searching through other blogs and, if I like one searching for the source of the design. I found a couple I liked that were available through the free sites, but nothing I loved. So, even though I don't want to pay, I think I will buy one. I found a couple of sites who do custom blog layouts. Anyone want to suggest others? Now, I will collect my favorite aspects of blogs, my favorite scrapbook material, my favorite photos, etc. When I think I can tell someone what I want, I will buy! Any stories on what your favorite/least favorite part of your blog is?
Also, I added several blogs that I follow (somewhere on the right side of this page). Right now, these consist of friends blogs and blogs about food, photography, travel, and genealogy. However, because I don't have a customized blog yet, they are all mixed into one list. Finally, let me say that I have no idea if there is content on these blogs that might offend you. By linking these from my page, I am just saying at least something on that blog interests me. I am not, however, making a political statement, making a moral statement, or wholly endorsing anything. With that said, enjoy. Also, if you follow or know about any great blogs in any of those categories, let me know.